Most of the high ticket consumer products see long sales cycles. Automobile and Real Estate are two best industries supporting this fact. While you don’t buy a car every month, most certainly you wouldn’t buy a house either. It is imperative that these sectors keep a close eye on their lead flow and lead conversion rate to stay afloat and be profitable. A lead is a potential interest by a buyer to buy a product or commodity. In this case, it can be an interest to buy a SUV car or to buy a 2 BHK apartment.


While buying a house is every individual’s dream, getting a value for money deal is tough. After all, a house is one of the biggest investment one ever makes in his or her lifetime. This precisely delays the buying process and keeps a Builder or Developer running after disinterested buyers. A better targeting and tracking of leads can improve buying conversion for Real Estate. While there are several Enterprise Resource Planning softwares in the market, there are very few that understand the needs and requirements of real estate like Realx ERP does.


Realx ERP is efficient in doing Lead Management, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management and Subcontractor Management – all four being centric to any real estate construction. It is equipped to also handle Payroll, Handing Over Process, Analytics & Reporting and Support Tickets.


Realx ERP is a smart lead management solution which not only gives you a cloud based lead tracking system, it guides on which source of lead is more effective. This is achieved by providing a a Lead Quality Score on the basis of lead strength updates made in the system by sales executives using the ERP.


Today, Realx ERP is used by hundreds of real estate developers across India. These businesses have not only streamlined their lead tracking but also been able to decide effectively on the real estate marketing portals they want to hire. It is therefore important for the real estate industry to provide better property advice for the overall market to flourish and become more effective.